
rambling thoughts

I read today that She who shall remain nameless (the woman with 8 kids to many kids and no husband and whose name begins with a K) just ran a marathon in Las Vegas.  They called her a "beauty"...really?  hmm... I wonder who was watching her kids while she trained and while she ran the marathon out of state, away from those kids.   It wasn't their dead beat dad, it sure wasn't their dead beat mom either.   I'm not a hater of She who shall remain nameless however I'm not in love with her either.   I think she could do a better job parenting those kids.   She wanted them, she gave birth to them and she should focus on them instead of seemingly focusing entirely on herself.   I only have four children, I don't have time to run a marathon.  I wish I had the time to train and run a marathon.  It's a matter of priorities, that's what some would say.  My priorities are something along the lines of: work so we can pay the bills, feed the kiddo's, keep them happy, sleep a little, homework, etc...  

I'm rambling today, it's ok... I've done it before, I'm used to it.  It's freezing freaking cold outside. I'm whiny when it's cold. It's wet outside. I'm whiny when it's wet.  It's windy outside, I like wind.  BUT when it's cold and wet and windy - then I'm BITCHY!!!  So run run like the wind Bullseye cuz I'm not pleasant to to be around.

Christmas is around the corner - have you noticed?  our neighbors have their yard decorations out.  tomorrow if I can get a picture of it, I will show you their soggy deflated yard decorations... it's sad

Christmas band concerts last night... oh lord spare us...is all I have to say. Ok, you know that's not ALL I have to say.  First year band, if they hit the right note and you can actually tell what song they are playing - you are shocked! I have a kid in first year band.  He runs up to me after the concert mom on the third song, second stanza, I messed up!  I was a little flat.  really? I say probably no one noticed.  How would you hear one solitary wrong note in a cacophany they called a Christmas Band concert?   Yes, these are the days of pleasant holiday things... mmhmmm...

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