
I'm awesome....

Yesterday I did it... I finished my annual review AND I gave it to my boss.  Shouldn't be a big deal, but it is.  It's only 117 days late.  I always complete my self reviews early and they are always the same.   They ask the same questions every year. 
1. Describe the specific examples blah blah blah
2. Describe anything you would like to improve,blah blah
3. What do you think are the strengths blah blah?
4. What gives you the most satisfaction blah blah blah ?
5. Describe how well you achieved the performance goals blah blah bleh blah

I answer them the same way every year. Not this year.   I've set goals for myself this year in my personal life and those goals are rolling into my professional life.  I don't draw lines in the sand anymore and people don't push me around anymore.  It works pretty well when I draw a line in the concrete so I drew some concrete lines in my annual review. I listed all the work I do, the work my boss has no idea I actually do. Work that other people are supposed to be doing.  Work they claim, work other people put their name on. 
I listed my accomplishments and when we meet next week I am telling him that HR recommends a re-evaluation of my position because my role has changed so much over the past 9 years and thinks I need a new job description be written.   I hope he will listen.  Drawing lines in concrete and speaking up for myself professionally is new for me.  I don't want this to backfire

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