
Road Trip continued

and then the best part of the trip happened.  I arrived at destination numero uno and my bestie said "we need to get some wine".  She talked about delicious peach wine and her dad's incredible grilling skills.  Hmmm thought I,  I wonder if her dad's skills compete with my modest grilling skills?  (quietly y'all, I thought this quietly to myself. she had no knowledge my pride and arrogance about my grilling skills was sneaking in) then she said turn left, no right, no left and then we were there or should I say

(prepare yourself for a shameless plug because I almost died when I walked into this adorable winery).
obviously, it's ok looking.  looks can be deceitful  I was unprepared for the level of cuteness inside.  I needed a bigger wallet and a bigger wine cabinet etc... 

Dying yet?

Yes, the stiletto heel is a RUSTY NAIL (since the name of the winery is the Rusty nail). 

I wear my heels 6 days a week, totally need stiletto's on my kitchen counters

but my heart was broken, they were out of the wine holding shoes so my wallet was saved and no wine holding shoes were purchased.

cute to the inth degree

I tasted multiple wines, they were all good

the winners (not pictured here)
Peep Toe Chardonnay (Peach)
Gold Digger French Chardonnay
Buster Brown Cabernet (Blackberry) - - WINNER!!! 
Bottle of each went home with me - so very good

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